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I wanna do bad things to you(True Blood Theme) by Jace Everett

I wanna do bad things with you.

When you came in the air went out.
And every shadow filled up with doubt.
I don't know who you think you are,
But before the night is through,
I wanna do bad things with you.

I'm the kind to sit up in his room.
Heart sick an' eyes filled up with blue.
I don't know what you've done to me,
But I know this much is true:
I wanna do bad things with you.

When you came in the air went out.
And all those shadows there filled up with doubt.
I don't know who you think you are,
But before the night is through,
I wanna do bad things with you.
I wanna do real bad things with you.
Ow, ooh.

I don't know what you've done to me,
But I know this much is true:
I wanna do bad things with you.
I wanna do real bad things with you.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

*~* SeX.ScEnEs.sEaSOn.4*~*

Who doesn't love the sexy cast of True Blood? And the sexy sex scenes??? Here are a couple of hot photos from season 4 :)


Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Wow! I just watched the last episode tonight on HBOGO.COM and am I shocked! A couple of people from season 1 reappeared,people died,peoples hearts were broken,friendships were lost,again PEOPLE DIED!! and someone dangerous may be back. Just a crazy ass season. And why did they only sign on to 12 episodes??? I think they needed more.What the hell Alan Ball and HBO!.Summer 2012 is too far away :(


Descriptions taken from HBOGO.Com   and from tv.com 

Episode 1~ She's not there
Sookie's journey away from Bon Temps,Eric and Bill try to win back the human republic.Jason learns that no good deed goes unpunished. Tara finds refuge in close quarters. Sam bonds with his own. Hoyt and  Jessica debate the dinner menu. Jesus urges Layafette to join a coven. Terry tries to alleviate Arlene's fears about the baby.
Episode 2~ You Smell Like Dinner 
Sookie adjusts to Bon Temps realities. Bill reveals pieces from his past. Eric crashes a witches meeting. Jason gets his wounds licked. Andy struggles with his addiction. Sam learns Luna's special talent. Jessica satisfies her blood cravings, Arlene witnesses strange behavior from her family.
Episode 3~ If You Love Me Why Am I  Dying 
 Eric and Sookie work out an agreement while Bill renders advice and guidance to Jessica.Meanwhile, Jason becomes Crystal's reluctant hero and Tommy, once again, becomes estranged from Sam. Pam instructs Lafayette that if demands aren't met, retaliation may be in order. Marnie sets out to give her new powers a try. Eric upsets a get-together. 
Episode 4~ I'm Alive and on Fire
Sookie goes to Alcide for help in finding Eric while Bill finds a link with the Bellefleurs. Marnie needs help to undo a spell and Sam makes it into Luna's inner circle. Jason wants free of his obligations. Tommy goes back to where he originated 
Episode 5~ Me and the Devil 
Bill gets into some difficulty and Sookie takes Eric under her wing. Tommy involves Sam in his criminal activities while Arlene and Terry look to religion for answers. Jason gradually regains his health. Lafayette and Jesus make their way to Mexico seeking a way to control their powers. 
Episode 6~ I Wish I Was the Moon 
Under a full moon, Sookie heads out to look for Jason. Arlene and Terry have to deal with a suspicious out-of-control fire. Marnie establishes a rapport with past spirits. Alcide considers Debbie's urging to join a new werewolf community. Sam and Tommy trade places. Lafayette is making headway in Mexico. Eric gives in to his King's wishes. 
Episode 7~ Cold Grey Light of Dawn 
Bill passes an order that is generally disliked. Eric eagerly accepts his amnesia. Luna finds out something interesting about Sam. Holly and Andy hook up. Lafayette becomes more aware of his own existence, sensations, thoughts and surroundings. Jessica's not so sure her current relationship has much future. Alcide and Debbie make the decision to join a new werewolf community. 
Episode 8~ Spellbound
Bill and Antonia get ready for an open confrontation. The King secures the loyalty of Sookie and Eric. Jason is conflicted emotionally. A spirit manipulates Lafayette for its own purposes. Sam must deal with Marcus who just happens to be Luna's ex.
Episode 9~  Let's Get Out of Here
Sookie tries to figure out how to fit both Bill and Eric into her life. Lafayette needs Jesus' help to rid him of the spirit that has taken over. Alcide is called upon by Marcus to help render assistance. Opposing ideas bring Bill into direct conflict with Nan. Marnie secretly plans out the strategy for her next step against the vampires in spite of Tara and Holly's apprehension about the outcome.  
Episode 10~ Burning Down the House
Bill needs Sookie to use her powers which results in breaking a spell. Jessica is implored to glamour Jason. Terry tries to help Andy with an intervention. Alcide reassesses his loyalties. Bill organizes the vampires to attack Marnie's Moon Goddess Emporium while Jesus, Lafayette, Sookie and Jason attempt to free Tara and Holly. 
Episode 11~ Soul of Fire 
It's up to Sookie and her powers to keep Bill, Eric and Pam from harm. While Jesus casts a spell, Lafayette is totally absorbed by the past. Sam gets even with Marcus and Alcide deals with Debbie head on. Andy's foray into the forest is filled with deep, overwhelming emotion.  
Episode 12~(finale) And When I Die
The souls of the dead rise up in Bon Temps. Sookie makes some important associations. Jesus and Lafayette's connection is imperiled. Sam and Luna imagine a happy and perfect future. Sookie and Tara are confronted by Debbie.

~ Up-date on Tara Thornton: Rutina Wesley~ 

According to Rutina Wesley in a Q & A with TVLine, the answer is a resounding yes.  Her contract has been renewed for Season 5.  But what exactly does that mean on True Blood?  Does she survive having the back of her head blown off?  Does she become a vampire?  A zombie?  A ghost? Who the heck knows?  Not even the actress herself:
Although, she would prefer not to become a vampire.  She enjoys being one of the only humans left on the show, and besides — it would be a pain to have to learn how to talk with fangs in your mouth!  Oh, and another thing… don’t call Tara a victim.  Wesley says she saw her character more as a survivor this season, just trying to get through it all.  She enjoyed filming the shooting scene, and she really enjoyed getting to play “sassy Tara” again:
So, what’s the bottom line, Truebies?  You will be seeing Tara on the show in Season 5.  As exactly what, that remains to be seen!  What’s your theory?  Are you glad she’s coming back, or were you glad to see her go?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My TRUE Blood stuff I bought at Fye!!!!

Okay....I  need opinions.. I want to be a character from True Blood for halloween but Idk who to be. I'm pretty sure I'll be Sookie b/c i have blonde hair and it would be easier to be her...but I want to wear fangs,and she's not a vamp,.so I thought about being Jessica..but I'd have to dye my hair which fine,but it took me forever to get my blonde back so Idk what to do...any suggestions? heres a pic of me(recent) so maybe yall can help me

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Update!!! True Blood cast member of the week:)

Instead of doing a True Blood cast member of the day,every time I'm gonna do of the week..since it's monday this person will be on here till next Monday,then a new cast member will be on here..kay:) 

 drum roll please..........


~Jessica Hamby~

Didn't think I was going to put the ladies on here huh? Well of course I am going too!! The first one is the pretty red head, Jessica. At first i didn't like her character and then as the show went on I begin to grow to Jessica making her my fav female over Sookie. She has really grown through the series,which makes me become a huge fan of her as well...enjoy the pics :)
 Wish I was skinny like her....

Pretty blue eyes!
*Naturally pretty*

love her hair in curls

Bio on Deborah Ann Woll 

Date of Birth
7 February 1985, Brooklyn, New York, USA
5' 10" (1.78 m)

Trade Mark
Strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes.

Graduated in 2007 from the University of Southern California School of Theatre with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Acting.
Is of Irish and German descent.
Had ten years in the theater before getting her role in "True Blood" (2008).
Is a natural blonde. She started to dye it red during her freshman year of high school when she was 14. She decided to change her hair color from blonde to red in order to no longer disappear into the background as she felt she did with her natural hair color. She was also a fan of Rita Hayworth and Katharine Hepburn.
Father is an architect and mother is a teacher.
Completed an intensive Shakespeare program at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London, England.
Attended Carnegie Mellon University's pre-college intensive program in theater.

Deborah is a huge fan of the vampire and horror genres. She and her boyfriend used to watch Angel and Buffy together. She has also seen the classic horror films on Dracula and Nosferatu. 

Her interests and hobbies include reading comic books, playing the piano, solving puzzles, and playing Japanese logic games and computer games. 

Deborah is afflicted with Celiac disease which prevents her from eating wheat products or anything with Gluten in them. She compensates by consuming lots of meat, vegetables, and rice products.

(Advising young actors)
Deborah: You have to be excellent at what you do. You can't settle for just doing half the work. You have to do all of it. You have to care enough that when you get there the only questions you have are the ones that are unanswerable. 

 Deborah: I got very interested in the science behind this creature. This vampire. I knew they were basing the teeth off of reptiles, namely snakes, instead of canines as they have been portrayed previously. That gave me an idea and I started to research reptiles. I don't think our vampires are truly cold. I think we are cold blooded like snakes. We are the temperature of our surroundings and can be warmed by contact with warm objects. 

(On her naturally pale skin)
Deborah: I am naturally as pale as a dead person. I was made to be a vampire. 
  • (Her views on True Blood vampires)
    Deborah: I got very interested in the science behind this creature. This vampire. I knew they were basing the teeth off of reptiles, namely snakes, instead of canines as they have been portrayed previously. That gave me an idea and I started to research reptiles. I don't think our vampires are truly cold. I think we are cold blooded like snakes. We are the temperature of our surroundings and can be warmed by contact with warm objects.

*Blogger's notes and updates*

Well bad news... I'm NOT getting to go to Dragon con...i'm a lil pissed..b/c I'm going to miss meeting the TRUE BLOOD cast members that are going to be there...but with money being tight I can't go :( Also it's hard to update this blog..my computer is super slow so if me updating this thing takes time please understand...I get to mad at this computer and I usually say screw doing a blog tonight..took forever to load the pics tonight too...that's one reason I changed the cast member of the day to cast member of the week....well i'm tired of typing and being on here so now I'm going to play Sims 3 yay!!!! 
Good night & don't let the vampires bite :>

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Watermelon coolers
Prep 10 min
Freeze 30 min
Serves 8
Cost per serving 67 cents

8 cups of seeded 1/2 inch
Watermelon cubes
2 cups chilled Ginger ale
1 6oz container frozen limeade concentrate

Arrange watermelon cubes in a flat layer on a baking sheet. Place in a freezer for atleast 30 mins, or until solidly frozen. Working in batches, blend frozen watermelon, Ginger ale, limeade concentrate and 1/4 cup water in a blender until smooth. Serve in chilled glasses